Katie Whitehouse

Forgiveness (a poem) I wrote after a brief conversation with a friend around feelings of shame. Billie Eliot put a shout out for content for her audiozine Beneath The Surface, exploring the theme of shame and I sent her a recording of the poem. Have a listen at 5:18. https://open.spotify.com/episode/4WCyBKUcOCxX7IyWCCUCPE?si=BgWjm-pfQueZ5ScF0I0Y-w

Hiding Place
HIDING PLACE my favourite collaboration with John Clarke.

GIG! Great Lawn Sessions 10 June 2021
GIG INFO THU 10 JUN: FIONN COX-DAVIES + KATIE WHITEHOUSE & FRIENDS FOOD from 6pm (out on the lawn) First set: I’ll be joined by my a capella chorus, Heartwave, and guitarist Vince Iddon. Second set: Fionn Cox-Davies Fionn’s music sits in a modern-folk/experimental genre taking inspiration from the likes of Nick Drake, Jeff Buckley […]

LIKE A STAR (for Max)
Yesterday we gathered together in disbelief held our breath touched the cool of your waxy perfection sang and spoke and cried stroked your graceful clever hands and your perfect unlined brow Today we stumble bravely into the epicentre of shared grief all our arms and our collective minds reach out, to hold a family and […]

Before the Crows Disappeared
Before the crows disappeared a bent old man had been spotted loitering in the town square He scribbled in his notebook as he squinted and counted the birds high up on the castle wall When he got to twelve he glanced down again, shuddered realizing he’d spelt out the words of a long forgotten curse […]